Jiuzhaigou Attractions

Jiuzhaigou was listed in the UNESCO in 1992. Being praised as a land of fairy tale, this famous site has been attracting tourists with its exquisite mountains, opulent forests, multicolored lakes, cascading waterfalls and a great variety of wildlife for years. It is known for the nine Tibetan villages within its boundary. The alpine lakes are just like incredibly huge silent mirrors reflecting the multiple colors of the ground and the sky, making it a huge crystal jade embedded in the snow mountains and virgin forests.

Jiuzhaigou has 108 lakes. Some lakes have a high concentration of calcium carbonate, and their water is very clear so that the bottom is often visible even at high depths.

The lakes vary in color and aspect according to their depths, residues, and surroundings. In different seasons, you can see the curious color patterns of blue, light green, dark green, turquoise, emerald, light yellow, russet, and crimson.

Jiuzhaigou is home to 17 multi-level waterfalls. All these beautiful natural wonders are always connected with the beautiful lakes. The forests of Jiuzhaigou contain at least 2,000 species of plants.In fall, the leaves turn into reds, yellows, oranges, browns and all the forests create a colorful fairyland!

  • Official Name: Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (九寨沟风景名胜区)    

  • Location:Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province, China    

  • Area: 650.74km²    

  • Elevation:1,990 - 4,764 meters    

When to Go

The best time to visit is September through to November, when you’re most likely to have clear skies and (particularly in October) blazing autumn colours to contrast with the turquoise lakes. Summer is the busiest, and also rainiest, time. Spring can be cold but still pleasant, and winter, if you’re prepared for frigid temperatures, brings dramatically frosted trees and frozen-in-place waterfalls, but also limited access to trails and an increased reliance on the park shuttle bus.

Getting There & Away


There's no public transport between Sōngpān and the nearby Jiǔhuáng Airport. A taxi should be around ¥100 (¥150 at night).


Buses leaving Songpan's bus station (汽车站; Qìchēzhàn GOOGLE MAP ) include:

  • Chengdu: ¥110, 8½ hours, four daily (6am, 6.30am, 7am, 12.30pm)

  • Dujianyuan: ¥107, 6½ hours, one daily (7.20am)

  • Huanglong National Park: ¥28, two hours, three daily (6am, 7am, 2pm)

  • Jiuzhaigou: ¥40 to ¥46, 2½ hours, two daily (9am, 1pm)

  • Zoige: ¥50, three hours, one daily (6.20am)


Train Booking Office (h9am-5.30pm) While Sōngpān is not connected to China's rail network, this small booking office in the heart of the old town can procure tickets for onward travel from ¥5 per booking.